Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sepahijala
  Vision of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sepahijala

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Center), Sepahijala was established in 2019 under the affiliation of Central Agricultural University (Imphal). The aim is to reduce the time lag between the technology transfer from research institutions to the farmer’s field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis. The strategy for increase in productivity of crops, increase in production of livestock, fishery diversification towards high value crops and improved price realization by farmers and to promote small and marginal farmers for the sustainable and livelihood through development initiatives including infrastructure and technology transfer.

  Mandate of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sepahijala

Technology assessment, refinement and demonstration of technology/ products for its application and capacity development are the major mandates of KVK, Sepahijala.

  • To identify the location specificity of agriculture technologies under various farming system it conducts On Farm Testing.
  • To generate production data and feedback information on various crops it organizes Front Line Demonstration.
  • Organizes short and long term vocational training courses in agriculture and its allied sectors for the farmers and rural youths for promotion and generating income by self employment.
  • To embolden the farmers and to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies and to orient extension personnel in the frontier areas of technology development it organizes different training programs.
  • Through other extension activities it establishes demonstration units and model farms, celebrates “Kisan Mela” organizes different exhibitions, seminars and awareness camp workshops and it also publishes district specific technology through Mass media for the extensive dissemination of technologies in agri and allied fields and to create awareness among the rural community on various issues of agricultural technology.
  • Production and supply of good quality seeds planting materials to farmers through revolving funds in KVK farm and through public private partnership mode and also production of livestock poultry, fisheries, other breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community.
  Staff Details
Name Designation Contact No email
Dr. Shatabhisa Sarkar Dr. Shatabhisa Sarkar Senior Scientist & Head 9089471596
Dr. Utpal Dey Dr. Utpal Dey Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) 8837286621
Mr. Joy Kumar Dey Mr. Joy Kumar Dey Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy) 9436574967
Mr. Ramanuj Chakraborty Mr. Ramanuj Chakraborty Subject Matter Specialist (Fisheries) 9436506218
Dr. Ayam Pushparani Devi Dr. Ayam Pushparani Devi Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) 8415922990
Ms. Maisnam Luwangleima Ms. Maisnam Luwangleima Subject Matter Specialist (Agricultural Engineering) 8575447771
Mr. Pijush Debbarma Mr. Pijush Debbarma Programme Assistant (Lab Technician) 7005299235
Dr.Kha Lovingson Dr.Kha Lovingson Farm Manager 9485212163
Ms. Kavita Khatri Ms. Kavita Khatri Programme Assistant (Computer) 9774739553
Mr. Sarajit Debbarma Mr. Sarajit Debbarma Assistant 9612065370
Mr. Sanjay Debnath Mr. Sanjay Debnath Stenographer 9774973727
Mr. Jatindra Debbarma Mr. Jatindra Debbarma Driver 8787740509
Mr. Budhrai Debbarama Mr. Budhrai Debbarama Skilled Support Staff 9862155929
Mr. Abraham Debbarma Mr. Abraham Debbarma Skilled Support Staff 8787582678